Build On MasChain

We offer a comprehensive set of features designed to get you onboard into MasChain.

Cost Effective with an Excellence Scale

Manage multiple services with a single platform, and come up with an insightful report just from your dashboard.

Customised Specification

Customised specs that was designed suits you best for your application.

Secure and Reliable

Trust MasChain to safeguard your data and transactions.

Automation with Trust

Efficiently oversee user management within your organisation, maintain privacy controls, and foster a smooth workflow with automation at ease.

Token Management
Manage your token easily in our mainnet (MasChain). Simplifies your token management.
Audit Trail Service
Maintaining audit trail, recording activities to ensure accuracy.
Wallet Management
Save time and effort when managing products. An intuitive portal for users to view, track and analyses statistics.
Blockchain as a Service
Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) simplifies blockchain adoption by offering pre-configured networks and services.
Proof of Authority (POA)
A streamlined and scalable consensus protocol ensures security.
Distributed Ledger Technology
Ensures transparency, security, and resilience, for peer-to-peer transactions without single point of failure.
A secure platform you can trust to protect your privacy and data safety.
Join a community with someone who shares your mindset and offers unwavering support.

Experience MasChain

Explore the dynamic capabilities of Variable with our two standout features. From easily connecting with support.

Dive Into MasChain

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